Wednesday 5 August 2015

Morning Mumble: Its all positive, Jubilee Platinum (JLP) IRR30%? Based on what?, Polypipe (PLP) & Scotgold (SGZ), have they gone into printing?

Good Morning,

Jubilee Platinum (JLP), a company whose share price has bounced, allowing for the platinum price and overall industry outlook. In support of the share price movinement, JLP put out an announcement confirming financing discussions are progressing, "almost" all the financing is there, but better, the surface treatment returns are a whopping 30%. This may be so, but based on what calculations? See below...

The Platinum Surface Projects target to process 80,000 tons per month of platinum containing surface material delivering an estimated production of 42,000 ounces of PGM's per annum. The Platinum Surface Projects are expected to achieve an IRR in excess of 30% net of taxation.

One is fully aware of the efficiencies of the ConRoast process and how this benefits recoveries. How has a NOMAD (SPARK Advisory Partners) signed off on this IRR expectation? Based on what numbers? What is the platinum price assumption? $950/oz ? What is JLP's expectations of the PGM prices? What is the prill split*? Admittedly, JLP’s outlook is a a lot better than previously, although is JLP a company where the assets/tech should be valued not the management? 

The acquisition of Nuaire by PolyPipe (PLP) is very good for both businesses. The market, is wise to rate it on a number of levels including the purchase price and earnings enhancements. Not often that deals are conducted at levels that are sensible in today's markets. 

It’s rare to read a bankable feasibility study (BFS) on AIM with some sensible assumptions. Recognition has to go to Scotgold Resources's (SGZ) Cononish Gold and Silver Project, Having wanted a cheeky short (intraday) on SGZ previously, the company have to raise some cash but financing on the back of the BFS looks more positive. SGZ, post financing is likely to look like it has potential. These sort of BFS numbers make financing a lot easier. 

With amusement, when one was looking for the Appendix to the BFS, unless SGZ have gone into printing, the perhaps would be wise to give their correct company website in announcements. SGZ’s website is not as quoted, (printing company).

Yet more Fortescue Metals Group (FMG) speculation, last time it was Baosteel and CITIC Group. This time round its China's Hebei Iron & Steel Group and Tewoo Group (separately). Over to the FIRB (Foreign Investment Review Board). Being both state owned entities and FGM wanting to derisk minority stakes at mine level or the rail and ports assets, there may be a good chance of a deal, but do not expect anything to be concluded at speed. Hebei would perhaps be the favourite, but does Tewoo's need to diversify/distance itself from Real Estate...? 

FXPO noted, but limited time. 

Atb Fraser

*Prill split, is platinum group metal ratios of production including PT (Platinum), PD (Palladium),, RH (Rhodium), AU (Gold), PGE (Platinum Group elements), RU (Ruthenium) and IR (Iridium). Note: PGE, RU and IR are often excluded from the prill split.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Fraser- JLP have murmured re a BFS in the past for the 2 platinum tailings projects, but they have also talked about the level of drilling and work that the current owners (ASA and Hernic) have carried out already re these dumps and the BFS talk is now very much in the past as they seem to be v keen to move on quickly to build their processing plants and get the ore separated and sold, in H1 2016.

    They have slotted 72m shares at 3.4p today, taking advantage of the news related spike and raised £2.4m, with the other funders still to be revealed. Perhaps they have done with costly assessments now and its time to build and see whats what later :-)))

    An interesting approach, the funders may have a few question along your lines Fraser- it will be fun to see how far one can get with sweet talk and hot air. I did buy at 1.44p and sell at 3.85p here so just a 3 month hold for me, but they need to explain and execute well over the next 12 months and keep their fingers crossed re PGM prices.

    Cheers. The Leggie
