Friday 9 January 2015

Evening Bolt On: Afren (THE gossip), housebuilders, Oi'l (spelling correct) & CU Monday!

Good Evening with a manic day and meetings rudely interrupting work this afternoon...

Gossip in Nigeria and France where its suggested there's an announcement or offer being made next week. Significant caveats applied of course...could just be an echo, more importantly the offer even at these levels is low ball. Over to MPI Energy...there's a curve ball.

Interesting that the Housebuilders (Reutersare under the cosh today Persimmon trigger (EMC). 

Those traders positioning themselves for intra-day gains got torched today with Brent circa $49.84/bbl. You (know who you are) were warned (EMC) yet for some reason gambling seems assured on a Friday. If a reader has $99.6M going spare there's a paltry $15m to be had by putting the cash to work for a few months. 

We shall ignore the obvious happenings in Copper / Comex Coper / FuturesInvestors bet on copper price fall By Henry Sanderson (FT) only a month or so late! EMC (Copper),  years round up EMC Copper,  China data yet again (EMC) CopperEMC Copper the indicator and CU any surprises (EMC)

With drinks tomorrow night do not expect too much!

Atb Fraser


  1. We did think of you today in the office. The word that these pages are going exclusive is a loss to all of us professionals deserving a reality check. Cww

  2. Cheers Cww. You need to stop lunching with DB folks!

    Watch out Apple

    Atb Fraser

  3. Fraser- WRN- what a strange currency they are using- what would you value that Rangers court case at ??? Without white powder/ and or gin that is :-))
    I presume they will be taking out SockIPO as one of the latest 10 buys... then again I would only accept cash, not WRN shares, and I guess that is out of the question.

    Cheers. The Leggie
